Friday, November 30, 2012

aaannnddd We're Back!

Wow it's been a long time.  We are SOOO sorry!  I know you've all been wondering where we've been...well, it's been a busy, crazy life!

I've only got a few minutes to spare (it's almost time to go outside!), so I'll share a few pics...

 my brother, riding in car, IN the shopping bag...crazy!!
 while at our Grandparent's, Mommy stuck us in the shower for a little cleaning!
 I was a little tired...
 and it was my BIRTHDAY on the 27th!!!
it's Christmas time at our house!!

Well it's time for me to go - outside then back to the couch for TV time!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Strike a Pose!

So I'm not sure who's brilliant idea it was for my brother and I to have a photo shoot but it happened.  Yes, our Mommy got us up early this morning and off to a long car ride...

We ended up in some random little town and at a little shop downtown.  Anyhow, Mommy got us out of the car, inside, and after some play time and sniff time..."click, click, click."

"Sit, Stay, Sit, Stay..."  I lost count at how many times I heard those words!  After three different set-ups, we were finally done.  I hear there might be some Christmas cards out of this...


Sunday, October 7, 2012

weekly update...

This past week has been busy.  Wait, who are we kidding?  Every week is a busy week for us! 

We went to daycare, we got to go for a few car rides with our Mommy, we talked to our Grandma on the phone, we helped Mommy with laundry and so much more...

Here's a few pictures of us with our Mommy!

 Mommy and my brother, Rex!

Mommy and Me!

On another note, I'm sure you've been waiting on a Halloween update?!?!  Yes, we know it's almost Halloween time.  No, we aren't participating this year.  Sad, I know.  But I only think it's fair.  We agreed that we needed a break and only thought it would be fair to give other pups a chance to win.  Thoughtful, right??!!  We will still be attending all the Halloween parties, we just won't be dressed up to the 9's.  See ya around!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Have we been forgotten?

Normally, every Wednesday we go to daycare at Dogtopia.  But, not today...

It was this way a couple weeks ago too.  What is wrong with our Mommy?!  Is she getting to old to remember about daycare?!

I'm hoping we'll get to go tomorrow to make up for missing today but we'll see.  I'll let you all know what happens...


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's a Ruff Life!

We've been busy being awesome.  Sorry to keep you all waiting for a new post.  Not only have we been going to Dogtopia and playing with our fav friends, but we had a visit from our Auntie, and are patiently awaiting the arrival of a new cousin!  Yes, that's right, our Auntie is preggers!

Anyhow, today at daycare was another good day of course.  We had Wee Wednesday and got to play with our other "wee" friends, you know - the 10ish and under pounds pups.  And my brother got a hair cut.  Not only did her get a hair cut though, he got what I've heard our Mommy call a "pony."

BUT, not only did her get a pony, he got a bow!  HAHA!  HE got a BOW!  Are the words supposed to go together?  I think not. But like Bo said, "I've got kids dude.  I'm secure in my manhood.  Let our Mommy put whatever she wants on my head..."

Whatever!  You will never see me in a bow.  Don't care, won't do it.

Well, it's about bed time.  Like I say, it's a ruff life!


Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Last Few Weeks

have been a blur...

We've done so much and so much has happened and I know we've been MIA from here.  I hope you all weren't too worried.

First off, our Mommy was off work for a whole week!  It was so nice to have her home to sleep in with us and play with us.  Except right after her vacay started.  That Sunday we went to our grandparents house!  Not only did we get to see them, we got to see my babies momma, Tiny, and my son, Buddy.  We had some great family time because we got to spend the whole rest of the week there!  Our Mommy left us for a bit, and we tried to go with her, but she was soon back a few days later.

When she got back, we all headed back to Waco.  We may have missed Dogtopia one time, but when we returned, we had a blast! 

My brother sporting some beachwear.

 Ahh, doggie ice-cream!  My fav!

Ok, so I'm trying to catch the water!  I love playing in WATER!

Anyhow, it has been a great last few weeks...obviously.  


Friday, August 31, 2012

She's Never Gonna Be Your Girlfriend...

Because she's gonna be mine!  With a name like that (Flor), she should be mine.

Let's go back to some school stuff...

Chihuahua (Me) is to Mexico and Flor is to Mexico so Flor is to Chihuahua (Me).  There's no competition Brother Bo.  Watch out!

Rex (They call me Sexy Rexi for a reason!)

She's not my girlfriend...yet

Yesterday we had a playdate.  But it wasn't just any old playdate.  It was with a beauty.  A black, miniture poodle of a beauty.  Wow.

Anyhow, it's someone our Mommy works with and we were so excited to meet a new pup.  Her name is Flor, like "Flower" in Spanish!  And she's just as beautiful as any flower I've ever sniffed. 

This is Flor with her Mommy, Andrea.

When Flor arrived at our house, we were enjoying Pizza with our Mommy so we weren't really that interested in some other random pup.  Boy were we surprised when we later decided to pay attention.  Flor is a little like both my brother, Rex, and myself.  All in one.  She loves to run around and play (although she's not so good at Fetch) but she also likes to cuddle and get belly rubs.  She's perfect. 

Anyhow, rumor is she might move in with us for an entire semester because her Mommy is moving to Houston for an internship!  How wonderful would that be???!!!


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fresh Air in Here!

So you may or may not have heard yet but our Mommy has quit smoking!  Yippee!  My brother and I couldn't be more excited for her, and for ourselves, of course! 

We know she's been trying to stop this horrible, nasty habit for a long time but hopefully this is it.  We need her around fur-ever! 


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back to Reality...

We've been at Dogtopia since Sunday!  Whoa!  Totally unexpected, but totally awesome.

This past Saturday night, my brother and I thought something funny was going on when our Mommy started stacking clothes on the bed, putting her other stuff in bags and getting things together.  We had no clue about what was going to happen...

Sunday morning, we all woke up and out the door our Mommy goes, without us.  Then later, our good friend Heather came to pick us up and dropped us of at Dogtopia!  Where's our Mommy?!?!

We were a little concerned until the sweet ladies at Dogtopia explained to us that our Mommy was on a work trip and she would, in fact, be back to pick us up.

So, a few days later, we're called out of the gym and away from our friends, up to our Mommy in the lobby, there to pick us up!  We were so excited to see her again, and to know she had not forgotten about us.  And although we were happy to go home, we were a little sad to leave all the fun and friends at Dogtopia.  Until next time...

Oh, and before I forget, our Mommy found this on the internet, and if this Presidential news isn't enough motivation for my brother, Rex, to loose weight...then I don't know what to do with him.  Oh and Bo is a great name!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's been too long (especially in doggie years)...

Yeah, I know, I know.  It seems we've been MIA for a while now.  But trust me when I say we've been busy! 

Ok, a little busy.  But we haven't forgotten about all our loyal readers.  I can promise you that!

Anyhow, back to my bro and I...not only have we spent time with our friends over the last two weeks, but we've also spent lots of extra time hanging with our mommy, visiting that human-baby thing, Caleb, sometimes done a little dieting (yeah, I know, again, I'm working on it though), and gone to Dogtopia - and had Chihuahua day there one of the days!

If Chihuahua Day at Dogtopia wasn't fun, then I don't know what is!  I did a little tug-of-war, fetch, and bubble chasing with all my other Chihuahua friends...actually, more like cousins.  It's always great to hang out with my, I mean friends!

Anyhow, I'm exhausted and my brother wants to play.  Gotta go - gonna satisfy my bro for a second then back to couch for cuddle time with Mommy!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Canine Olympics 2012

Yes.  We have our own Olympics at Dogtopia.  Yes, I represent Mexico and my brother the United States.

And today, we BOTH won medals!

I won in the Marathon Doggie Snow Cone Eating category and my brother in the Freestyle Wrestling category. 

So yeah, we're Olympians...


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Ups and Downs of Our Fab Lives!

So do you want to good or the bad first?  What if I told you the bad isn't really that bad?

Ok, bad first.  It's not about me anyways, so what do I care?!?!

Sweet little Rex.  Wait.  Who am I kidding?  Sweet large Rex.  Yeah, more like it!  We went to the vet this morning, and more about that in just a second, but Rex got on the scale while we were there.  Remember, he's trying to loose weight...

Well there was no weight loss.  There was a weight GAIN!  Ok, fine, it was only .3 pounds, but still!

I don't want to totally discourage my brother because he does need to loose the weight, but I'm not sure what else we can do.  So, I've come up with this focus on weight control for now, not weight loss.  Let's just see if Rex can maintain his current weight.  And no, I won't embarrass him that much by telling you his current weight, I do have to sleep in the same kennel with him, ya know!!  But, help me help Rex to maintain his weight and not GAIN!!

Ready for the GOOD news?!?!

Remember me mentioning the vet visit this morning?  Well, it was for me and to check my knee.  And, the verdict...everything healed up great!  And, I got to finally go back to daycare today!  Gosh, I missed that place.  It was so great to get back and see all my friends again. 

But it was a long, tiresome days, so it's off to bed for me!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

So Fresh and So Clean

Yesterday, my bro and I got to go see our friends at Dogtopia!

They had their Annual Charity Dog Wash and boy did my brother, Rex, need a bath!  I'm not sure when the last time we got baths was, but it must have been a while ago...and it doesn't help that Rex likes, ummm, ya know, poop?!?!

Anyhow, it was great to see our friends again, both human and canine, since we had not been there in a few weeks because of my knee.  We even got to have doggie snow cones, beef and chicken flavor, and a bacon doggie cupcake.  Heaven!

Here's a few pics of us after our baths...

Don't we look so good with our new, orange bandanas???


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Life's Not Always Fair...

Today is Wednesday.  It's a 'Daycare at Dogtopia' day right???


We still have to "give Bo some time to rest..."  And if Bo doesn't go to daycare, I don't go to daycare.

This morning I was all ready to go- well rested, full stomach, etc. and BAM!  Our Mommy calls out the "Let's go to your room" call!  What?!?!?! 

I quickly realized it was all about Bo again.  And daycare was going to have to wait.

But ya know what?  I finally decided it was ok to skip daycare one more time, because I'd rather have my brother, Bo, than not have him at all.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I'm all healed up, finally! It has been a treacherous last few days but it's all over.

Here's a little back story:

Saturday morning we all woke up (my brother Rex, my Mommy, and me) and everything was fine. We got our chores done (ok, fine, Mommy got her chores done), ate breakfast, went outside, and then to the couch for some TV time.

A little later Mommy got up to get ready to leave. I stood up and OH MY GOSH! MY KNEE! I couldn't walk. Mommy noticed something was wrong and came over, picked me up and to the bathroom we go. I'm pretty sure she did not know what was wrong with me yet...

Then, it's outside we go and I CAN'T WALK! The only way I can walk is to hike up my back right leg. Mommy then definitely notices something major is wrong!

Long story short, I go to the animal emergency place in Waco, then a vet in Spring, TX THEN an animal hospital in Houston The pin in my right knee had come loose, not only moving my patella with it but taking some skin too - that might have been the worst part...not only could I not walk because my knee hurt, but there was some skin pinned under the knee-pin. OUCH!

Anyhow, I'm home now, just got my meds (and I can't complain about that!) so it's off to bed!

Oh wait, before I go, I'll leave you with a few pics from the last few days...


Saturday, July 7, 2012

not his el-bow, but his knee-bo

It's about Bo again.  Of course.  Always.

But seriously, Bo needs all your positive thoughts sent his way.  We woke up and I kinda thought something was wrong with him but didn't pay that much attention.  Later, as we were about to leave for our babysitting Caleb job, Mommy realized something was wrong too. 

Bo couldn't walk on one of his legs.  It was all hiked-up flamingo style.  And then all of a sudden, life became a rush and out the door they went...

About an hour later they came back and I realized where they had can't mistake the smell of's office.  Ugh!  Anyhow, they were home and Bo was still alive.  Bo did look really 'I just got some good meds' calm.  I heard Mommy talking on the phone about the pins in Bo's knees and how one of them dislocated/moved or something.  OUCH!

Bo's probably going to have to have surgery but we'll know for sure tomorrow.  He's got a doctor's appointment at 9am, on Sunday, yes.

When this is all over, I better get some of my very own, special attention!!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

a dog needs what a dog needs...

I figured I would take some time to show you just a few of the things I've found while browsing the internet that have peaked my interest.

first, this adorable, argyle collar.  love it. 

and these super fun nylon collars!

and not that it matches, but we still gotta support our Mommy's Alma Mater

how cute would we be with our new collars and this Ralph Lauren shirt?!?!
while we are outside frolicking around in our new gear, we could use this to actually see the crazy, barking dogs next door.  they would be so jealous of our new look!

 and just to make sure my brother looks his best in his new shirt, this, for Rex!

I've found so many new and great things I want and I'll show you more later!


Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's been a long week

I don't even know where to's been a crazy, long week at our house. 

Wednesday we went to daycare at Dogtopia.  And we did our two favorite things!

 My bro and I watching a movie

Sharing a doggie snow-cone!

We've gotten to watch movies and have doggie snow-cones every Wednesday for a while now and LOVE it!

Thursday, our Mommy worked a long day and we were excited to see her come home.  She wasn't home for long when Melanie, our friend too, and a girl named Rebecca showed up.  I wasn't so sure about Rebecca at first, but after a good sniffing and eye-balling, I decided she was okay too.  Rumor is she is not a dog person, but I bet I can change that!

And if that wasn't enough, Friday night, a bunch of people came over.  They were loud, crazy, and totally ignored me and my bro.  What was that about?!?!  There was food and drinks everywhere too and nobody shared.  I know there are some social workers who read this so someone please, please call APS - you know, Animal Protective Services.  After everyone left, we did get to cuddle on the couch with just our Mommy and if that's not the best thing in the world, I don't know what is.  

It's getting late now though and it's just about cuddle time.  Gotta go...


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Then One Where He Speaks in German

The language of Germany.  Wow.  It's tuff (haha, like ruff!).  But, I'm giving it a go and putting my best paw forward to learn how to speak the language.  Let me share what I've learned so far...

Ich mag meinen Bruder.
Er ist der Beste.
Ich liebe meine Mammi.
Wenn wir zum Kindergarten gehen, spiele ich viel.

What do you think?  Pretty good huh?  I'm still working on my pronunciation, seeing as though it's a little harder when you have a "woof"/"bark"/"ruff" to go with everything, but I'm sure I'll get there soon enough. 

I bet you're all wondering why I'm doing this...because I'm trying to be as marketable as my brother!  I mean, come on, he knows Spanish (being a Chihuahua and all) and that makes him super marketable.  But I've got tricks - so I guess we're even?!?!

Anyhow, time to get back to my German lessons!


Monday, June 18, 2012

The Scent of Betrayal

I'm not sure exactly what's going on but our Mommy came home smelling like dogs today.  And not just dogs, but Chihuahua!  What does she think she is doing?!?!

Although I was excited at first to smell the scent of my cousins, eventually I remembered who the pets are around here - and I thought it was just my brother and I!

Then I heard our Mommy talking (on this thing she always holds up to her ear) and she told someone that she had THREE CHIHUAHUAS in her office today!!!  Wow!

My thoughts changed again and I was then dreaming about a family.  A new, cute, little Chihuahua family.  But that will never happen...and why is a story for another day...


Saturday, June 16, 2012

While Mom is Away...

the kids will play...and we did!  at Dogtopia

Our mommy dropped us off there this past Wednesday and just picked us up earlier today!  It was basically like a super-long slumber party with all our friends.  We even got to eat snow cones (we had our own but I didn't think it was enough so I tried to get to everyone else's...what can I say, they were great!). 

So, here we are, back at home, with our mommy.  We definitely missed her.  But we're also exhausted from all the playing so I'll leave you with a few pictures for now...

my mommy and brother, Bo!
 my mommy and me!
