Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's a Ruff Life!

We've been busy being awesome.  Sorry to keep you all waiting for a new post.  Not only have we been going to Dogtopia and playing with our fav friends, but we had a visit from our Auntie, and are patiently awaiting the arrival of a new cousin!  Yes, that's right, our Auntie is preggers!

Anyhow, today at daycare was another good day of course.  We had Wee Wednesday and got to play with our other "wee" friends, you know - the 10ish and under pounds pups.  And my brother got a hair cut.  Not only did her get a hair cut though, he got what I've heard our Mommy call a "pony."

BUT, not only did her get a pony, he got a bow!  HAHA!  HE got a BOW!  Are the words supposed to go together?  I think not. But like Bo said, "I've got kids dude.  I'm secure in my manhood.  Let our Mommy put whatever she wants on my head..."

Whatever!  You will never see me in a bow.  Don't care, won't do it.

Well, it's about bed time.  Like I say, it's a ruff life!


Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Last Few Weeks

have been a blur...

We've done so much and so much has happened and I know we've been MIA from here.  I hope you all weren't too worried.

First off, our Mommy was off work for a whole week!  It was so nice to have her home to sleep in with us and play with us.  Except right after her vacay started.  That Sunday we went to our grandparents house!  Not only did we get to see them, we got to see my babies momma, Tiny, and my son, Buddy.  We had some great family time because we got to spend the whole rest of the week there!  Our Mommy left us for a bit, and we tried to go with her, but she was soon back a few days later.

When she got back, we all headed back to Waco.  We may have missed Dogtopia one time, but when we returned, we had a blast! 

My brother sporting some beachwear.

 Ahh, doggie ice-cream!  My fav!

Ok, so I'm trying to catch the water!  I love playing in WATER!

Anyhow, it has been a great last few weeks...obviously.  
