Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Ups and Downs of Our Fab Lives!

So do you want to good or the bad first?  What if I told you the bad isn't really that bad?

Ok, bad first.  It's not about me anyways, so what do I care?!?!

Sweet little Rex.  Wait.  Who am I kidding?  Sweet large Rex.  Yeah, more like it!  We went to the vet this morning, and more about that in just a second, but Rex got on the scale while we were there.  Remember, he's trying to loose weight...

Well there was no weight loss.  There was a weight GAIN!  Ok, fine, it was only .3 pounds, but still!

I don't want to totally discourage my brother because he does need to loose the weight, but I'm not sure what else we can do.  So, I've come up with this focus on weight control for now, not weight loss.  Let's just see if Rex can maintain his current weight.  And no, I won't embarrass him that much by telling you his current weight, I do have to sleep in the same kennel with him, ya know!!  But, help me help Rex to maintain his weight and not GAIN!!

Ready for the GOOD news?!?!

Remember me mentioning the vet visit this morning?  Well, it was for me and to check my knee.  And, the verdict...everything healed up great!  And, I got to finally go back to daycare today!  Gosh, I missed that place.  It was so great to get back and see all my friends again. 

But it was a long, tiresome days, so it's off to bed for me!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

So Fresh and So Clean

Yesterday, my bro and I got to go see our friends at Dogtopia!

They had their Annual Charity Dog Wash and boy did my brother, Rex, need a bath!  I'm not sure when the last time we got baths was, but it must have been a while ago...and it doesn't help that Rex likes, ummm, ya know, poop?!?!

Anyhow, it was great to see our friends again, both human and canine, since we had not been there in a few weeks because of my knee.  We even got to have doggie snow cones, beef and chicken flavor, and a bacon doggie cupcake.  Heaven!

Here's a few pics of us after our baths...

Don't we look so good with our new, orange bandanas???


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Life's Not Always Fair...

Today is Wednesday.  It's a 'Daycare at Dogtopia' day right???


We still have to "give Bo some time to rest..."  And if Bo doesn't go to daycare, I don't go to daycare.

This morning I was all ready to go- well rested, full stomach, etc. and BAM!  Our Mommy calls out the "Let's go to your room" call!  What?!?!?! 

I quickly realized it was all about Bo again.  And daycare was going to have to wait.

But ya know what?  I finally decided it was ok to skip daycare one more time, because I'd rather have my brother, Bo, than not have him at all.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I'm all healed up, finally! It has been a treacherous last few days but it's all over.

Here's a little back story:

Saturday morning we all woke up (my brother Rex, my Mommy, and me) and everything was fine. We got our chores done (ok, fine, Mommy got her chores done), ate breakfast, went outside, and then to the couch for some TV time.

A little later Mommy got up to get ready to leave. I stood up and OH MY GOSH! MY KNEE! I couldn't walk. Mommy noticed something was wrong and came over, picked me up and to the bathroom we go. I'm pretty sure she did not know what was wrong with me yet...

Then, it's outside we go and I CAN'T WALK! The only way I can walk is to hike up my back right leg. Mommy then definitely notices something major is wrong!

Long story short, I go to the animal emergency place in Waco, then a vet in Spring, TX THEN an animal hospital in Houston The pin in my right knee had come loose, not only moving my patella with it but taking some skin too - that might have been the worst part...not only could I not walk because my knee hurt, but there was some skin pinned under the knee-pin. OUCH!

Anyhow, I'm home now, just got my meds (and I can't complain about that!) so it's off to bed!

Oh wait, before I go, I'll leave you with a few pics from the last few days...


Saturday, July 7, 2012

not his el-bow, but his knee-bo

It's about Bo again.  Of course.  Always.

But seriously, Bo needs all your positive thoughts sent his way.  We woke up and I kinda thought something was wrong with him but didn't pay that much attention.  Later, as we were about to leave for our babysitting Caleb job, Mommy realized something was wrong too. 

Bo couldn't walk on one of his legs.  It was all hiked-up flamingo style.  And then all of a sudden, life became a rush and out the door they went...

About an hour later they came back and I realized where they had can't mistake the smell of's office.  Ugh!  Anyhow, they were home and Bo was still alive.  Bo did look really 'I just got some good meds' calm.  I heard Mommy talking on the phone about the pins in Bo's knees and how one of them dislocated/moved or something.  OUCH!

Bo's probably going to have to have surgery but we'll know for sure tomorrow.  He's got a doctor's appointment at 9am, on Sunday, yes.

When this is all over, I better get some of my very own, special attention!!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

a dog needs what a dog needs...

I figured I would take some time to show you just a few of the things I've found while browsing the internet that have peaked my interest.

first, this adorable, argyle collar.  love it. 

and these super fun nylon collars!

and not that it matches, but we still gotta support our Mommy's Alma Mater

how cute would we be with our new collars and this Ralph Lauren shirt?!?!
while we are outside frolicking around in our new gear, we could use this to actually see the crazy, barking dogs next door.  they would be so jealous of our new look!

 and just to make sure my brother looks his best in his new shirt, this, for Rex!

I've found so many new and great things I want and I'll show you more later!
