Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Birthday and More Thank-fuls!

Yesterday was MY BIRTHDAY!  Yes, I am SIX now!  I begged Mommy to let me watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua, The Movie, one more time but she said no.  So instead I lounged, stuffed my face (with things I won't mention here), and loved on my Mommy and brother and sister.  Overall, it was a great day!
Here I am over the years.  I've just gotten better with time, dontcha think?!

And my Mommy and I - she gives the best cuddles!
And since today is Thanksgiving, I figured I finish out our list of thankfuls...
  • We are both thankful for blankets - especially ones from the baby section at Target!  They make our home so warm and soft for the times when Mommy isn't home.
  • I'm thankful for birthdays - another year I've gotten to spend with my Mommy and my brother, Bo!
  • No squeak toys - you have no idea how annoying it is when my brother, Bo gets a toy and won't stop squeaking it!
  • We both love the holidays too - we get to get all dressed up and take fun pictures that get sent to all our friends!  So fun!
  • And last but not least, we are both thankful for TV.  We love it when Mommy leaves it on when she leaves - we've learned so much about some family called The Kardashians - they be cray.  And we're totally up to date on all the latest fashion and movie reviews. 
That's it for now.  Time for bed - it's been a long, turkey filled day!

~ Rex

Sunday, November 17, 2013

We've Got a Lot to be Thankful For!

It's time to catch up on our thank-fuls!

  1. Number one has to be treats.  Specifically GREENIES - my fav! (bo)
  2. Speaking of things to eat - I love poop.  Yes, poop.  De-licious! (rex, of course!)
  3. Can't forget our Mommy. 
  4. And of course our sister, Flor!
  5. Water, sprayed, crazy water.  My favorite is to jump and try to eat it! (bo)
  6. Bandanas - I don't feel complete without one, and our Mommy is good about keeping a fresh one on us always! (rex)
  7. Elephants - we helped start our Mommy's obsession and we both LOVE playing with anything elephant!
  8. Dogtopia Waco!  There's only positive things to say about this place - we have tons of friends there, both human-kind and pet-kind. 
  9. We both love snuggling with our Mommy - she gives the best massages and rubs!
  10. Kisses - I love giving everyone kisses but watch out - I may get the roof of your mouth! (bo)
  11. Beverly Hills Chihuahua, The Movie!  And there's three of them! 
  12. Our roommate, Le, is pretty cool too.  She let's us do things our Mommy won't - please don't tell though!
  13. Taking pictures!  We love posing and having the camera focused on us!  What can we say, the camera LOVES us!
  14. Our backyard!  Not only is this a place to find poop, it's a great place to run around, roll around, bark and soak in the sun!
  15. Car rides - we love to stick our noses out the window, sit in our Mommy's lap or prop ourselves up on the center console.  Our Mommy is a great chauffer.
Ok that's all for now!

Have a great day!

Rex and Bo

Friday, November 8, 2013