Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's been a long week

I don't even know where to's been a crazy, long week at our house. 

Wednesday we went to daycare at Dogtopia.  And we did our two favorite things!

 My bro and I watching a movie

Sharing a doggie snow-cone!

We've gotten to watch movies and have doggie snow-cones every Wednesday for a while now and LOVE it!

Thursday, our Mommy worked a long day and we were excited to see her come home.  She wasn't home for long when Melanie, our friend too, and a girl named Rebecca showed up.  I wasn't so sure about Rebecca at first, but after a good sniffing and eye-balling, I decided she was okay too.  Rumor is she is not a dog person, but I bet I can change that!

And if that wasn't enough, Friday night, a bunch of people came over.  They were loud, crazy, and totally ignored me and my bro.  What was that about?!?!  There was food and drinks everywhere too and nobody shared.  I know there are some social workers who read this so someone please, please call APS - you know, Animal Protective Services.  After everyone left, we did get to cuddle on the couch with just our Mommy and if that's not the best thing in the world, I don't know what is.  

It's getting late now though and it's just about cuddle time.  Gotta go...


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