Saturday, May 19, 2012

guest post, Baby Caleb!

We (more Rex than me, but whatever) decided to give Baby Caleb at chance at super-stardom.  If this goes well, he might be a regular guest poster on here...

Dear Readers,
I'm delighted to be the guest writer on this fabulous blog. Let me introduce myself. My name is Caleb and I'm an 8 week old human. Yep, I know - so nice that the dogs are letting me write something seeing as I'm not canine. Anyway, I'll keep this short and sweet.
Rex thought the readers might be interested in what it is that an 8 week old baby does most days. Well, I told Rex and Bo that I'm actually quite busy most days. I wake up around 5am and then wake my mom up. (I'm not a fan of being awake and being ALONE ya know). I have a bottle then we go outside on the front porch and mom has coffee while I drink my bottle. I'm not allowed to have coffee yet. We usually stay outside for an hour or so then come back inside. We play on my activity mat and then sometimes read a book. We visit with daddy before he goes to work then I take my first nap. After nap time, I need to play with my toys. I like when my mom plays music on her ipod so we usually do some dancing and singing. My afternoon nap is awesome because my mommy holds me during the whole thing. It rocks! I have another bottle and nap before daddy gets home. I like when daddy gets home because he plays with me lots. In the evenings, I like to go for walks in the stroller, maybe do a little shopping or go to the park.
My dad videotapes me frequently because I'm really cute. I like to be 'filmed'. I'm kind of important. Like a movie star. Maybe Rex and Bo will ask me to do a special video for their blog? I can hope. Well, readers: I need to go take a bath. I get to do this a few times a week and I'm a big fan of bath time. So relaxing and I get a massage after. See, I said I'm busy!?!
Baby Caleb

Ok, so he may have had some good things to say and maybe he's kinda cute...check back later for more from me!


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