Wednesday, May 16, 2012

and it starts...

My brother and I decided it was only right, and considering our amazing ability to write, to take the next step and start a blog.  Awesome, huh?

We have so much to say, we figured a blog was the best forum for expressing ourselves.  We are fun, human-like, and opinionated.  Prepare yourself.

So, for our first posting, I thought I'd tell you what happened to our mommy tonight.  It was a hoot!  She took us to her friend's house to meet their new baby (woo hoo).  Apparently she thinks we care.  Anyhow, we played along, acted excited and interested and stared that baby down.  And then it happened...

That baby boy barfed all over our mommy.  It was hilarious!!  Hopefully this incident will help our mommy simmer down on her dreams of having tons of those things.  We certainly don't want one of those things at our house - I mean, the crying, the pooping, the cooing...the list goes on. 

But the baby is pretty cute. 

Anyhow, I'm exhausted, been at daycare all day.  Time to hit the floor (that's where I sleep).

Bark at ya later,


1 comment:

  1. so cute and rex is right, no babies. Can't wait to hear something from Bo since he has children.
