Monday, May 27, 2013

Doggy Heaven

Sorry for not posting this past has been hectic.  First, our sister, Flor, got a haircut.  Big time.  Real short.  At first I wasn't too sure if I liked it and was a little stand-off-ish to her but it's grown on me!  She is still just as beautiful as ever!  Her long legs, her dark eyes, her sweet paws...I could go on. And she also got to spend the day at daycare with us!  It was fantastic.  She loved it. I think she had the most fun playing with the toys.  I caught her checking out the other boy dogs though...not good!

Anyhow, our Mommy got us a subscription to BarkBox and we just got our first box in the mail last week.  Let me tell ya - it's like heaven in a box.  It was filled with tons of different treats, chew sticks and a fun little toy!  My favorite treats are the barbeque ones - de-lish! I can't wait to see what next month's box is filled with!

Ok well it's off to bed for us. 


1 comment:

  1. I thought from the title of the post that one of you had gone on to doggy heaven. Scared me. :(
    Glad everything is okay and it's just a bit of doggy heaven on earth! :)
