Sunday, May 5, 2013

please forgive us!!

OMG, it has been way too long.  SOOOO much has happened in our fabulous lives since you last heard from us.  But, we promise (or at least I do) that we are back to stay this time...don't tell our Mommy that we're telling you this but she taught a class at Baylor this past semester and was super busy, and she used that as her excuse to blow off this blog of ours - we were not so happy about that but at least we're back now!

So, here's a few pics from the last few months of our lives:

Meet FLOR!  She's our poodle girlfriend and we LOVE her!  She's been staying with us since January since her human mom moved for an internship but we are secretly hoping we get to keep her fur-ever!
 Check out our new collars we got! We're very proud of them!

This is a pic taken by our Mommy during the car ride we took to meet our new niece, Gwynevere!  We were so excited to meet her and lick her and sniff her...

This is Gwynevere!  What dog wouldn't LOVE this sweet tasting (and looking) little girl?!?!

Don't be shocked, I'm fine now - promise!  But I did have to have major was really scary but my Mommy and Flor and especially Bo took really good care of me.  The doctors said I had liver cancer but they think they got it all - we'll know for sure in August when we go back for another ultrasound.  For now, I'm doing great, and you wouldn't even know something was wrong if I didn't have a huge scar down my belly!
That's it for now.  The goal is to post at least once per week, which is doable, as long as Mommy let's me get on the computer...

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