Sunday, June 23, 2013

Thank Goodness for Pain Meds!

This last week has been a roller-coaster!  Things have been crazy for all of us, especially Rex.  Last weekend, Rex and Mommy were sitting on the couch and when Mommy and Rex got up, Rex yelped!  It scared all of us.  From then on, Rex couldn't use his back right leg - at all!  It was obvious something was very wrong. 

Monday morning Mommy got up early and called the vet doctor in Houston and got Rex the earliest available appointment - Thursday morning.  But we were in Waco!  I was really confused until Tuesday when Mommy came by the house and picked up Rex AND Flor and they didn't come back later...I was worried but I finally figured out that they were in Houston!  And how sweet of Mommy to send Flor along!  Her and Rex are very close so I'm sure Rex enjoyed the company but more than anything, I enjoyed my special time with just my Mommy and me!

I heard Mommy tell someone that Rex was having surgery Friday and we would get him back on Saturday.  I was very worried about him but he did so great!  It was wonderful to have him back around on Saturday.

During all this, Flor had a great time swimming at her Aunt's house!  And so did I when I got there this weekend!  It was so amazing!!!

Here's a few pictures of Rex too.  You can see the pins and plates in his leg in the x-ray!  Hard to believe he tore both his ACL and Meniscus.  And the square on his back/butt!  Ha!  Crazy surgeons!!

For now, it's lots of rest for Rex so things are a little boring around here for Flor and I but I'm so happy to have Rex back!


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